The children have settled back into the Nursery routine and are enjoying exploring some new resources.

What are we learning?

We will be copying and creating patterns that we see in the environment, for example as seen on butterflies and stripy caterpillars. We will be counting the spots and legs on different insects.

Communication Language and Listening (CLL)

The children going to Reception in September, will be engaging in activities to develop their ability to hear sounds in words as well as blending the sounds in simple words.

Topic: Spring

We will be exploring some of the changes that happen in spring, through reading non-fiction books and going on a spring walk around the school grounds.

Fantastic Beasts

We will be exploring the following books: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dear Zoo and Super Worm. We will be finding out about what we can do to keep healthy such as: brushing our teeth, eating healthy foods and exercising. We will be researching the life cycle of caterpillars and tadpoles, planting some flower seeds and vegetables in our nursery garden in the hope that it will attract insects that we can draw and paint.


Thank you for supporting your child with their SATPIN booklets. Please ensure these are returned to Nursery so we can celebrate with your child. This is only for the children going to Reception in September.


Just a reminder, snack is 50p a week, which we collect per half term. The total for this half term is £3.00. For the children who start week commencing 24th April it will be £2.50.

Chick Update

We are so excited to announce the safe arrival of our ten chicks. We hope you were able to watch this happening on the live link. The children will be exploring the life cycle of chickens, as well as learning how to take care of them while they are with us.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss McGeachie, Miss Bean, Miss Lacey and Miss Camplin.