Why Shaw Wood?

We thought we would ask the children...


"Shaw Wood is a really good school. The lessons are fun and help me to learn."

Tomasz – Year 4


"At Shaw Wood you can be inspired, discover new things and challenge yourself to be the best you can."

Phoebe – Year 6


"We work together. We try hard and don't give up."

Holly – Year 2 


"At Shaw Wood we have challenges in every topic to improve children's understanding."

Charlie – Year 5


"You can talk to grown-ups if you are upset."

Alexis – Year 4


"Children should come to Shaw Wood because we have unique children, kind and caring adults and we all work as a team."

Freya – Year 6


"School is fun at Shaw Wood because we make loads of friends and have lots of facilities at break. We have delicious food such as fish and chips, wraps, spaghetti and more!"

Nathan – Year 5


"Mr. Cook is great, he mends sinks and fixes things in our school."

Emily and Alicia – Year 3