Shaw Wood Primary Academy

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Art & Design

At Shaw Wood Academy, we follow the National Curriculum for KS1 and KS2. We value art and design as an integral part of a child’s education, to deliver them with a broad and balanced curriculum. We believe that art and design provides children with the opportunities to express themselves creatively, and use their imagination over a wide range of art forms.

Our intent is that our high-quality art and design curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and craft. It is important to the development of pupils’ well-being, their appreciation of the world and understanding and empathy of others. Opportunities to practise art and design techniques when using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space are embedded across the art curriculum through the use of individual sketchbooks.

We aim to give all children the confidence to express themselves using a range of media. Our curriculum provides children with an opportunity to experience drawing, painting and sculpting, whilst exploring different artists and their styles. The children will be able to take inspiration from these key artists and create their own artwork in their individual style.








 Year 1

  • Experiment with different media
  • Create different lines
  • Join lines together to make shapes

Draw a shell from direct observation

  • Identify the artist Kandinsky
  • Mix colours together using powder paints to create secondary colours
  • Create repeating patterns

Design, create and evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Andy Goldsworthy
  • Identify techniques used to create a natural sculpture and use natural materials to create lines and shape

Design, create and evaluate their art

Year 2

  • Identify and use different pencil grades
  • Shading and tone
  • Drawing techniques

Draw a wicker basket from direct observation

  • Identify the artist Yoyoi Kusama
  • Using powder paints, mix colours to create tints and shades
  • Pointillism techniques

Design, create and evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Su Blackwell
  • Explore ways of manipulating paper

Design, create and evaluate their art

Year 3

  • Developing knowledge of pencil grades
  • Charcoal techniques
  • Adding texture

Drawing mining equipment from direct observation

  • Identify the artist Van Gough
  • Using powder paints, mix colours together to make tertiary colours and make brown
  • Identify purpose of different brushes and sponge

Design, create and evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Michelle Reader
  • Investigate ways of joining materials in 3D
  • Discuss the suitability of materials

Design, create and evaluate their art

Year 4

  • Identify self portraits
  • Understand proportion and draw eyes
  • Soft pastel techniques

Draw a self portrait

  • Identify the artist L.S. Lowry
  • Using watercolours, mix colours together to make tint, shade and tone
  • Show how watercolours are used to create a foreground and background

Design, create and evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Barbara Hepworth
  • Explore different ways of manipulating clay
  • Practice different clay techniques

Design, create and evaluate their art

Year 5

  • Identify proportions of a body in different art forms
  • Developing knowledge of proportion
  • Sketching body parts

Draw the outline of a body and add detail

  • Identify the artist David Hockney
  • Express mood using colour and create complimentary colours
  • Show how water colours are used to create foreground, midground and background

Design, create and evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Alexander Calder
  • Explore different ways of manipulating wire

Design a mobile sculpture, create and evaluate their art

Year 6

  • How movement can be created with drawing
  • Proportion in motion
  • Sketch hands and feet in different rotations

Draw a body in motion

  • Identify the artist Banksy
  • Experiment with different colours to express mood and create light
  • Identify acrylic techniques
  • Create a stencil for the outline of their art and produce the background of their painting
  • Add finer details to artwork

Evaluate their art

  • Identify the artist Giacometti
  • Explore different ways of shaping wire
  • Manipulate foil to create a sculpture

Design a sculpted person, create and evaluate their art