First Steps
Looking to give your child a little extra socialisation?
If you are feeling like your little one could benefit from being around and engaging in play with other children, we would love you to come along to our play group on a Friday morning, 9:30am-10:30am. Children from ages 0-4 years are welcome. The group is free of charge but voluntary contributions are appreciated.
Why come to First Steps?
The group is facilitated by an experienced Early Years Teacher.
- Get support and advice on early child developmental issues such as development milestones, speech and language and toilet training.
- Fantastic resources and activities which vary on a weekly basis.
When children play together, they can laugh and have fun but also learn to:
- Problem solve
- Follow social cues
- Take turns and share
- Show empathy toward others
- Not always getting their way
These are skills that our children usually develop on their own while interacting with other children of similar ages. This make First Steps a particularly important opportunity to help nurture these relationships your little ones are building.
For Adults
- Gives parents the opportunity to play and interact with their child.
- Provides a great space for social interaction
- Allows time for parents to share their experiences, ideas and to support one another.
- Provides a routine that allows families to gather together and interact.
- Foster community spirit and assists social networks.
For more information, please contact Miss McGeachie at Shaw Wood Academy on 01302 831307.

First Steps