Shaw Wood Primary Academy

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Our geography curriculum is designed to develop children's knowledge and understanding of the world around them, from their local community to the wider world. We aim to:

  • inspire curiosity
  • encourage exploration
  • foster a sense of wonder and awe for the natural and human-made environments

Over the academic year each year group will follow the units in the table below.

Each term, we alternate the teaching of geography with history, so over the course of an academic year most year groups will study 3 geographical units.  Geography in KS1 and KS2 is taught through discrete lessons.

Year group / Term




Year 1

Local Area- Our School

  • Children will focus on the local area including their postcode and address and the school as the centre of the community

Our Country

  • Look at the key features of the UK including capital cities and the surrounding seas

Weather Patterns

  • Know and explain what the weather is like and understand some dangers and how the weather can change

Year 2

Our Local Area

  • Looking at our local area and its features

Our World

  • Introduction to continents and oceans and global features

Comparing Countries

  • Comparing a European and Non-European country to our own

Year 3

The UK

  • Looking at countries and features that make up the UK

Our European Neighbours

  • Introduction to Europe including cities, rivers, mountains and cultures

The wider World Part 1

  • A focus on South America and its landmarks as well as a look at Rio de Janeiro

Year 4

Counties of the UK

  • Look at the counties of the UK with an in depth focus on Yorkshire including topography, population and landmarks

Volcanoes, Mountains, and Earthquakes

  • Look at the three areas and understand types, locations and definitions

The Wider World Part 2

  • A focus on North America and the countries that make it up, as well as human and physical features found there as well as economic activities and trade links

Year 5

Locational Knowledge and Map Reading

  • To know locations of UK cities beyond London.
  • To know key places across Europe and the Americas including the equator and tropics
  • Learn how to read maps using longitude and latitude and take part in on site orienteering

Climate Zones and Tectonic Plates

  • Understand that climate change has occurred naturally over millions of years and the impact it has had on our planet
  • Look at how tectonic plates have and do affect our planet

The Water Cycle

  • Understand the water cycle and how it affects us and the planet

Year 6


  • What is biodiversity, what are the threats to it and how does it affect us? What can we do to conserve it for the future?


  • To know about the parts of rivers from source to mouth and rivers around the world


Case study

  • Analyse the country of India looking at its features both human and physical and how it has changed over time