Shaw Wood Primary Academy

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PSHE Wellbeing

At Shaw Wood our intent is that children take part in a series of lessons which form part of our Wellbeing curriculum.  This includes statutory learning from health and relationships education, with some additional learning about how to stay safe. 

The curriculum is split into 3 key areas: 

 Autumn term - relationships

Spring term - living in the wider world

Summer term - health and wellbeing.

The curriculum is taught through a combination of specific wellbeing lessons, which are taught weekly, some content will be covered during other lessons or assemblies, and some will be covered on special themed days or by visitors who come into school. 

In the early years learning will mainly take place through story telling, songs and small group activities.  A breakdown of the learning which will take place in each year group is below.


Relationships – Autumn term

Families and


Safe relationships

Respecting ourselves and others


  • Making friends
  • key people in our families
  • feeling cared for 
  • Seeking permission 
  • How behaviour affects others 


  • Different types of families
  • making and maintaining friendships 
  • The importance of rules, private body parts
  • How behaviour affects others
  • being polite

Year 1

  • Roles of different people
  • families
  • feeling cared for
  • Recognising privacy
  • staying safe
  • seeking permission
  • How behaviour affects others
  • being polite and respectful

Year 2

  • Making friends
  • feeling lonely and getting help
  • Managing secrets
  • resisting pressure and getting help
  • recognising hurtful behaviour
  • Recognising things in common and differences
  • playing and working cooperatively
  • sharing opinions

Year 3

  • What makes a family
  • features of family life
  • Personal boundaries safely responding to others
  • the impact of hurtful behaviour
  • Recognising respectful behavior, the importance of self-respect and being polite

Year 4

  • Positive friendships, including online
  • Responding to hurtful behaviour
  • managing confidentiality
  • recognising risks online
  • Respecting differences and similarities
  • discussing difference sensitively

Year 5

  • Managing friendships and peer influence
  • Physical contact and feeling safe
  • Responding respectfully to a wide range of people
  • recognising prejudice and discrimination

Year 6

  • Attraction to others
  • romantic relationships
  • civil partnership and marriage
  • Features of healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • Recognising and managing pressure
  • consent in different situations (Grooming – Alright Charlie)
  • Expressing opinions and respecting other points of view,

including discussing topical issues



Living in the wider world – Spring term

Belonging to a


Media literacy and

digital resilience

Money and work


  • What rules are
  • Using the internet and digital devices
  • Jobs in my family 


  • Why rules are important
  • looking after the environment 
  • Using the internet and digital devices
  • Jobs in the community 

Year 1

  • What rules are
  • caring for others’ needs
  • looking after the environment
  • Using the internet and digital devices
  • communicating online
  • Strengths and interests
  • jobs in the community

Year 2

  • Belonging to a group
  • roles and responsibilities
  • being the same and different in the community  
  • The internet in everyday life
  • online content and information
  • What money is
  • needs and wants
  • looking after money

Year 3

  • The value of rules and laws
  • rights, freedoms and responsibilities
  • How the internet is used
  • assessing information online
  • Different jobs and skills
  • job stereotypes
  • setting personal goals

Year 4

  • What makes a community
  • shared responsibilities
  • How data is shared and used
  • Making decisions about money
  • using and keeping money safe

Year 5

  • Protecting the environment
  • compassion towards others
  • How information online is targeted
  • different media types, their role and impact
  • Identifying job interests and aspirations
  • what influences career choices
  • workplace stereo-types

Year 6

  • Valuing diversity
  • challenging discrimination and stereo-types
  • Evaluating media sources
  • sharing things online
  • Influences and attitudes to money
  • money and financial risks



Health and Wellbeing – Summer Term

Physical health and Mental wellbeing

Growing and


Keeping safe


  • Healthy food and exercise


  • Recognising and talking about simple feelings


  • Safe and not safe


  • Healthy food and exercise
  • hygiene routines
  • sun safety
  • Simple life cycles
  • managing feelings
  • Safety at home and at school 

Year 1

  • Keeping healthy
  • food and exercise, hygiene routines
  • sun safety
  • Recognising what makes them unique and special feelings
  • managing when things go wrong
  • How rules and age restrictions help us
  • keeping safe online

Year 2

  • Why sleep is important
  • medicines and keeping healthy
  • keeping teeth healthy
  • managing feelings and asking for help
  • Growing older
  • naming body parts
  • moving class or year
  • Safety in different environments
  • risk and safety at home
  • emergencies

Year 3

  • Health choices and habits
  • what affects feelings
  • expressing feelings
  • Personal strengths and achievements
  • managing and re-framing setbacks
  • Risks and hazards
  • safety in the local environment and unfamiliar places

Year 4

  • Maintaining a balanced lifestyle
  • oral hygiene and dental care
  • Physical and emotional changes in puberty
  • external genitalia
  • personal hygiene routines
  • support with puberty
  • Medicines and household products
  • drugs common to everyday life

Year 5

  • Healthy sleep habits
  • sun safety
  • medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies
  • Personal identity – gender stereotypes;
  • recognising individuality and different qualities

mental wellbeing, body image

  • Keeping safe in different situations, including responding in emergencies and first aid

Year 6

  • What affects mental health and ways to take care of it
  • managing change, loss and bereavement
  • managing time online
  • Increasing independence and managing transition.

Parents opt in-Human reproduction and birth;


  • Keeping personal information safe
  • regulations and choices
  • drug use and the law
  • drug use and the media