Shaw Wood Primary Academy

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The intent of Shaw Wood Academy’s history curriculum is to provide our children with a coherent and chronological understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, in line with the National Curriculum. We aim to achieve this with ambitious curriculum content as well as a diverse range of activities and additional experiences to enrich children’s learning and contribute to their cultural capital. We intend to provide opportunities for our children to build on their prior knowledge and make links in their learning to further develop their understanding of the past. As children progress through school, they will learn about significant events, people and places in their own locality. They will begin this by learning about the history of their school and the village of Armthorpe in key stage 1, widening their local knowledge to include the city of Doncaster in key stage 2 with a strong focus on the mining heritage of the local area throughout. We hope that our curriculum will inspire children’s curiosity about the past, encourage them to ask perceptive questions and think critically whilst contributing to a love of learning that will last beyond their time at Shaw Wood.

Our history curriculum features common themes that the children will build upon as they progress through school. These are known as ‘golden threads’. They include:

  • Monarchy including succession and the concept of democracy and autocracy
  • Conflict including settlement and invasion
  • Industry and Technology including specific technological advances and their development over time

Each term, we alternate the teaching of history with geography, so over the course of an academic year most year groups will study 3 historical units of work.  Our history lessons in KS1 and KS2 are taught discretely.










All About Me




All About Me

Homes from the Past

Guy Fawkes

The Christmas Story


Traditional Tales


Year 1

Local History Study –

Armthorpe, Toys, Technology.

Travel and Transport

Kings, Queens and Castles

Year 2

The Great Fire of London


Significant Individuals

Year 3

Local History Study – Mining

Stone Age to Iron Age

Ancient Egypt

Year 4

Ancient Civilisations

The Romans

Ancient Greece

Year 5



Local History Study – Doncaster

Year 6



Early Islamic Civilisation