The school has registered as part of the National Fruit and Vegetable Scheme and has gained the National Healthy Schools Award. For children up to the end of Year 2, a free piece of fruit or vegetable is available for children each day and they are encouraged to eat it. If your child has an allergy or you do not wish your child to be part of the scheme please inform the school in writing.
KS2 children may bring a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at morning break. You can also pay for them to have fruit in school for a small cost of £1.60 per week. Letters for KS2 fruit will be circulated at the start of each term. Please complete and return the reply slip to the school office if your child would like fruit each day in school. If your child has any allergies to a certain fruit, please indicate this on the bottom of the reply slip.
The charge will then be added to your child’s Parent Pay account for you to make payment.
KS2 Fruit - Jan-March 25
download_for_offlineKS2 Fruit - Jan-March 25